Rm1509, CitiMark, 28 Yuen Shun Circuit, Shatin, Hongkong. | Tel:2698 0070 | Fax:2693 6686
Saturday December 21st 2024


Introduction of Children Ministry兒童事工 – 簡介

Proverbs 22 : 6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Mission : Cultivation of the Gospel in the lives of the kids Objective : Let the kids learn the Truth and be able to apply to their daily lives Targets : [Read More]

Creative Arts Class創意手工班

<!--:en-->Creative Arts Class<!--:--><!--:zh-->創意手工班<!--:-->

Creative Arts Classes were held at Elim Church on the four sundays of September.  Kids stayed behind after lunch and learnt to make ” the three little houses for the three little pigs “.  But where have all the parents gone ?  They were at the 6A Workshops [Read More]

Vacation Bible School假期聖經班 愛思考的孩子

The 3-days Vacation Bible School for kids has been completed !  The kids were very proud to receive their certificates.  No wonder, they spent 3 afternoons in church and learnt how to be kids who could make wise decisions.   Let us share some of their Kidwords. ****** [Read More]

Vacation Bible School假期聖經班 愛思考的孩子

<!--:en-->Vacation Bible School<!--:--><!--:zh-->假期聖經班 愛思考的孩子<!--:-->

Kids receiving their VBS certificates after attending the 3-days Bible study playgroup during the summer holiday. VBS Tea Party ! Watch out ! 畢業啦! 開茶會啦!好嘢! 小心呀! [Read More]

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