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Monday December 30th 2024


Tips Parent-Child Reading親子閱讀小貼士

<!--:en-->Tips Parent-Child Reading<!--:--><!--:zh-->親子閱讀小貼士<!--:-->

1.      Anytime, anywhere is suitable 2.      Have handy books with you all the time 3.      Let kids choose the books 4.      Read out the name of the book and the author’s name 5.      Let kids flip the pages 6.      Let kids guess “ [Read More]

What if my kid fails at school?孩子讀書不成怎麽辦?

Recently I am attending a course learning how to be a good mentor to my kids. I have deep reflection on this topic – what will I do if my kids fail at school? How would I feel? Can I accept this? I belong to the generation which education qualification is very [Read More]

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