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Saturday December 21st 2024

(3) Pain kills Fear別問我 是誰(3) – 痛楚抑制恐懼

Editor’s notes:  Some of the contents in this article may arouse uncomfortable feelings among some readers.  The reason why we published these details is because we wish to let our readers know that, the power of darkness exists, and is real.  However, there is true light in this world and the true light will have final victory!  God is in total control!


When I was in Form 1, many things were new to me, I was therefore too busy to allow my “friend” to visit me.

By that time, many young boys like me have curiosity towards evil spirits.  Once we went to picnic in the countryside.  Everybody just followed what others said and went searching for a “ bloody scarf “.  Why did we have to do this?  Why do people have to keep doing something which they knew they shouldn’t?  Just for curiosity! Of course, nothing could be found.

I have also tried to play with the “ coin spirit “ and the “ pencil spirit “ (This is something similar to fortune telling, that a spirit has entered a coin or a pencil to allow it to answer people’s questions by its movements.) Later, some of my friends suggested that we should play a more exciting one – the “ plate” spirit. (Several people gather together and put a small plate on a piece of newspaper.  They put their hands on the plate at the same time. Then they will ask some questions to the plate.  It was believed that the plate will move by itself on the newspaper and will stop at the characters, which shows the answer) I am a person who believes in my own critical thinking. I would never believe in such “magic”. I thought, there must be one of us using his or her own strength to move the plate.  However, unfortunately, we felt that the plate was moving by itself instead. All of us tried to move it back to the right place but without success.  All of us were very frightened.  During this time, I would take shower once I got home from school, because I would feel more secure to take show at daytime!

Later, I have encountered some very unexplainable thing. One day, I was walking from school to home. I was very frightened. Because the path I used to pass by everyday was very different that day.  It used to be very busy everyday. But that day, it was very quiet and no one was there.  I saw a woman in front of me from a distance. I tried to walk closer to her so that I might feel better.  Then I passed her and was walking in front of her. She had long hair and was about 30 years old.  As I was walking in front of her, I started to feel something strange. She was speaking in some language,which I could not understand, and was spitting at the two sides! 

So I started to walk faster.  But as I walked faster, I could feel that she was walking faster behind me as well.  Finally, I felt very annoyed. So I turned around and scolded at her, “ What are you trying to do? Enough! “ But I was stunned by what I saw.  It was an old woman with white hair and a pair of glasses.  I ran as fast as I could to escape.  Finally, I saw some people there and was a little bit relieved. So I turned back to see.  But to my big surprise, the path I just passed through was not quiet at all, many people were walking there instead!

As soon as I got home, I looked seriously ill. My family members could imagine that I have met some evil spirits. So they immediately gave me some herbs and tea, which was offered to false gods, because they wanted to help me clam down.

After a while, I have forgotten this.

One day, I felt very uncomfortable again. I could feel that my “ friend “ was coming to visit me again.  I was in total chaos. But I need to attend PE class and had to do hurdling. When it was my turn, as I was running towards the frame, suddenly my mind went blank. I couldn’t see anything. Only white in front of my eyes. Of course, I couldn’t jump over the frame, but instead broke my right arm. I was under great pain and was treated for a few months.

By this time, fear has left me. My friend, who was out of my control, stopped visiting me too. Why? Because the pain I was suffering killed the fear!

What is my next challenge? Could I survive these challenges? Losing both grand parents in the same day. Was this a co-incident?

Next Chapter … Don’t ask me who I am (4) I lost them…. 

Mr. Ice cream



編者按 : 本文有部份內容可能會引起讀者不安。然而,我們出版這些情節,目的是想讓讀者們知道,雖然黑暗的勢力是存在的,但這世界卻有真光,而那真光是最終都會勝利的!神會掌管一切的!







因我當時年少氣盛,我終於忍不住停了下來,一轉身便立刻用粗言穢語問候她,我說 : “你吐完未呀,想怎樣? ”這時,我頓時呆了,因為在我面前的,竟是一個短髮而且全頭白髮的婆婆,而且還配上一副眼鏡!這時我心知不妙,毛骨悚然,而她也沒有回應我的說話,只是在繼續喃喃自語!






 <下一集強勢預告> 同一日之內失去兩位親人?是命運還是巧合?這事對我有甚麽影響?

 下一集,別問我   是誰(4) <雙失>



編者按 : 親愛的讀者,看到這裏,可能你會感到很不安,甚至恐懼。如果你有這樣的情緒反應,那是十分正常的。我自己作為編輯的,在沒有任何的預警之下,第一次看到這篇文章,難受了整整一個星期,我甚至有點生作者的氣!但後來我被理性說服了,所以才決定出版這一篇,希望你們能體諒!
是甚麽說服了我呢?試想想,若有其他人是跟作者是有類似的遭遇的,我這個不知痛苦為何物的人,可以想像到他們,和他們的親人、朋友的痛苦嗎? 如果有一個,那怕就只有一個,我們都希望他知道他不是孤單的,都希望他能因着作者的見證而得救的,若是這樣,那就是值得的。
還有,我明白你們會很關心作者的情況,我可以告訴大家,他現在很安好,而且英明神武、風趣幽默!代他向大家講聲 ” 謝謝關心! “

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