Posts Tagged ‘Sunday Services’
A good opportunity to show your talent ! Date : 28 May 2016 Time : 7:30 pm Enquiry and Application : Tabris /Tommy [Read More]
14 May 2016 ( Public Holiday ) 10:00am-4:30pm $56 ( Includes transportation and lunch ) One elder person can bring 4 guests. Invite your parents to join [Read More]
Family Sunday 2016 will be held on 24 April, followed by Fellowship Lunch. Charges for Fellowship Lunch is $70 per adult and $35 for kids between 3-12. Advance application is necessary , please contact Tabris. [Read More]
Prayer month, please pray for: 祈禱月,請為以下事項祈禱: 3.31 (Thu) Today’s Scripture是日經文 Romans 5:5 – “And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. [Read More]