Family Sunday家庭主日
Date : 20 October 2013 Sunday Service
Bring your friends to come !
If you want to share your family testimony and old family photos ( hard copy or email ), please contact Alison or email to
A sharing wall is established in Zone C, please post your family characteristics there !
22 Sep Sunday Service Sepcial Arrangement9月22日主日崇拜特別安排
Due to the typhoon, we have special arrangement for service tomorrow:
1. If either the red or black rain signal hoisted at or before 9:30am, service will be cancelled.
2.If no.8 or above typhoon signal hoisted on or before 9:30am, service will be cancelled.
3. If it is announced the no.8 signal will be hoisted at or before 2 p.m., service will also be cancelled.
From Pastor Rebekah由於颱風關係,以下是明天主日崇拜安排:
1. 如早上9:30或以前,天文台發出紅雨或黑雨警告,主日崇拜將會取消。
2. 早上9:30或以前,天文台若改掛八號風球或以上,主日祟拜將會取消。
3. 天文台若預告下午2:00或以前將掛八號風球,主日祟拜也將會取消。
Children Sunday兒童主日
Children Sunday
Invite your little friends to come !
Games, performance, story-telling, DIY snacks
歡迎邀請小朋友参加 !
Youth Alpha 少青啓發
Saturday 1-3pm
Vacation Bible Studies兒童假期聖經班
Vacation Bible Studies for Children( With parents )
5/8/2013 – 8/8/2013( Monday – Wednesday )
$30 per kid
Elim Fun Day决戰一分鐘
Elim Fun Day
2:30pm at Elim Church