” My boy is gifted. However, he doesn’t like to study. This is a disadvantage under the education system in Hong Kong. No matter how hard we as parents try to build his confidence, whenever he compares his academic results with his peers, he lost his self-confidence. He is just not ready yet. ”
” My girl is very good at dancing. Whenever there is performance or dancing examination, she just couldn’t stand those boring practices. I think I shouldn’t force her to keep dancing if she doesn’t want. However, I am still wondering if I am doing the right thing. ”
” My kid’s English proficiency is very strong. I want her to perform well in Chinese studies as well. However, I stopped and think, is our expectation too much? We always have expectation to our kids. Shall we let go and let God do what He wants? ”
” We really have to rely on God. Sometimes, we think that all the credits should go to ourselves, that is, it is our efforts that bring such good performance to our kids. Shall we think the other way, God can do what we cannot do! ”
Our prayers: Our heavenly father, we are so thankful that we can gather together and share our doubts and worries. We as parents, now, do not know your plans toward our kids. But we pray that You will give us the wisdom to help our kids fulfill Your will in their lives.
” 孩 子 有 優 厚 的 潛 質,就是不愛讀書,在香港的教育制度下很吃虧,無論父母怎樣努力去建立他的信心,每當他望望自己的成續,知道自己不如人,自信心就下滑了。他就是未準備好,未開竅 ,唉!”
” 我的孩子有舞蹈天份,但參加舞蹈班時,每逢表演或考試,她就耐不住那些刻板式的訓練。我就由她了。但心中不免掙扎,我這樣由得她,是否浪費了她的天份,而沒做好媽媽督導她的本份呢? 如果她將來大了想努力,但缺乏基礎,我會不會很自責呢?”
” 我們做父母的真要學習放手給神,當然不是放任啦,而是,如果樣樣都以為是父母努力栽培的,那還有甚麼意思呢?就是叫我們知道,我們做不到的,神自有衪的計劃,如果衪要成就,衪就會成就。 ”
我們的禱告 : 天父,很多謝祢給我們這群媽媽有機會在此一起分享和禱告。袮在我們孩子生命中的旨意,我們現在不能看透。求祢賜智慧給我們,讓我們能助我們的孩子,完成祢在他們生命中的旨意!