The 3-days Vacation Bible School for kids has been completed ! The kids were very proud to receive their certificates. No wonder, they spent 3 afternoons in church and learnt how to be kids who could make wise decisions. Let us share some of their Kidwords.
Kidsword 1
Teacher : If you have a lot of money but dad is not around, what will you do with the money?
Ying Ying ( 10 yrs old ) : I will save it !
Yat Sum ( 8 yrs old ) : I will give offering.
Teacher : Wow ! How much will you give ?
Everybody : 1/10 !
Ka Ho( 4yrs old ) : But, but… I don’t have 1/10 !
Wing Wing( 8 yrs old ) : I will buy a caculator and plan how to use the money. And I will stay in a hotel.
Ying Ying : I will also donate to others.
Wing Wing : If you donate too much, after a while, you will have nothing for yourself !
Kidsword 2
Teacher : The Lost Son was not a wise guy. He messed up when his dad was not around and wasted his money. He wasted his time too…..
Ying Ying ( 10 yrs old ): ( very seriously )… No, he didn’t waste his time. During the time when he was away from home, the time was not wasted.
Teacher : Why do you think so ?
Ying Ying : Because during this period, he learnt that he couldn’t be this anymore. He had learnt a great lesson.
I think you will agree with me that our Elim kids are really smart kids !
一連三天的兒童假期聖經班 << 愛思考的孩子 >>已完滿結束,孩子能在悠長的假期裏善用光陰確是一件好事,你看他們拿着畢業證書多神氣!和大家分享兩則孩子語錄吧!
孩子語錄 (一 )
導師 : 如果你有好多好多錢,又無爸爸媽媽管住你,你會點做呢?
盈盈 ( 10 歲 ) : 儲起佢!
一心 ( 8 歲 ) : 奉獻!
衆人 : 十分之一囉!
嘉浩 ( 4 歲 ) : 吓!我冇十分之一喎!
詠詠 ( 8 歲 ) : 我會買個計數機,計吓啲錢點用,同埋去旅館住吓。
盈盈 ( 10 歲 ) : 幫助人囉!捐錢吖嘛!泥石流吖嘛!
詠詠 ( 8 歲 ) : 如果捐太多,咁你自己用一排就冇啦!
盈盈 ( 突然變嚴肅 ) : 其實佢冇浪費時間呀!佢呢段日子係好充實嘅…
盈盈 : 因為佢响呢段時間佢學到咁樣係唔得嘅,佢之前唔知咁係錯嘅…
相信大家都會同意,以琳的孩子,的確是愛思考的孩子 !