Rm1509, CitiMark, 28 Yuen Shun Circuit, Shatin, Hongkong. | Tel:2698 0070 | Fax:2693 6686
Saturday December 21st 2024

Elim Bowling Fun Day以琳保齡樂滿紛

Glad to see so many new friends coming ! Uncle Bill has brought more than 10 of his friends to this Fun Day and we were so happy to meet them !  Guess who was the champion ?  Looking forward to the next Elim Bowling Fun Day !Special thanks to Activity Team for organizing this event !

很 開 心 這 次 活 動 有 很 多 新 朋 友 參 加 呀!標 叔 叔 邀 請 了 十 多 位 親 友 參 加,真 高 興 能 認 識 他 們!猜 猜 誰 是 冠 軍 呢?很 期 待 下 一 次 的 以 琳 保 齡 樂 滿 紛 呀!多 謝 活 動 組 悉 心 籌 辦!

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  • Elim Bowling Fun Day以琳保齡樂滿紛&summary=Glad to see so many new friends coming ! Uncle Bill has brought more than 10 of his friends to this Fun Day and we were so happy to meet them !  Guess who was the champion ?  Looking forward to the next Elim Bowling Fun Day !Special thanks to Activity Team for organizing this &source=Elim Full Gospel Church" class="linkedin" title="Share this on Linkedin">LinkedIn
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