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Saturday December 21st 2024

6A Workshop6A 品格教育工作坊

The 6A Workshops for parents, children and youth workers were held in September.  A big clap to all those who have participated in these workshops, including the introductory seminar in August !  Especially for parents who have young kids, it is not easy at all coming to church on sundays, and then stay behind for 5 weeks to complete this workshop.  Some of them even live far away from Elim Church.  Well done !

Thank you, Teacher Fiona, Teacher Jessica and Teacher Ellen !

Thank you Teachers for the Little Pigs and the Little Houses !

Thank you Ah Chi, May, and Penny for baby sitting !

Thank you Class !  Your participation is the most important !  Looking forward to reunion gathering in the near future !

6A 品格教育工作坊已在九月舉行,連同早前在八月份的簡介講座,一共五節,完滿結束。我們要向所有的參加者鼓掌,尤其是有幼兒的爸媽們!星期日帶着小朋友上教會已經不易,會後還留下來整整五個下午,你們的好學精神,真是孩子們的好榜樣!鼓掌!鼓掌!

導師們 ,謝謝您們的付出!


謝謝阿池哥哥,May 姐姐和 Penny 姐姐照顧孩子們!

( Penny 姐姐掛住照顧小朋友,唔得閒出來合照添! )


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  • 6A Workshop6A 品格教育工作坊&summary=The 6A Workshops for parents, children and youth workers were held in September.  A big clap to all those who have participated in these workshops, including the introductory seminar in August !  Especially for parents who have young kids, it is not easy at all coming to church on sundays, and then stay behind for &source=Elim Full Gospel Church" class="linkedin" title="Share this on Linkedin">LinkedIn
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