Elim Cooking Competition以琳私房『賽』" class="delicious" title="Share this on del.icio.us"> Delicious-->
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Elim Cooking Competition以琳私房『賽』&summary=Due to the bad weather, the competition day will postpone to 14 July 2012. Enquiry: 2698 0070 (Lily). Date : 14 July 2012 Time : 6: 30 – 9:00pm Venue : Elim Church Bring your friends and family and have fun. 因天氣關係,原定於6月30日舉行的─以琳私房「賽」將順延至7月14日。所有參加者如有問題,觀迎至電26980070向Lily查詢。&source=Elim Full Gospel Church" class="linkedin" title="Share this on Linkedin"> LinkedIn-->
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