CNY is coming. Let’s share Bible scriptures to bless each other. Select those start with ” Blessed are….. ” and present them on stage every sunday from now until 2/2/2014. Please contact Alison if you want to share them.
2/2/2014 is our CNY Sunday Service. Dress in your Chinese clothing, prepare your words and little acts of blessing ( such as chocolate, scripture cards… ). There will be a special blessing moment arranged during the Sunday Service.
由現在至2/2/2014, 歡迎大家找出「…是有福的/有福了」的經文,並以賀年形式展示,於報告時段分享,可以小組及個人名義參予。有興趣請聯絡 Alison。
2/2/2014 年初三主日崇拜將有一個彼此祝賀的特別時段,大家請預先預備一些祝福語、金句咭、糖果等等,並歡迎大家穿華服 !