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Saturday December 21st 2024

Introduction of Youth Ministry青少年事工 – 簡介

Timothy Cell Group ( Meeting : weekend afternoon )

“ Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. “ (1 Timothy 4: 12)

Timothy Cell Group is a youth cell group belonging to the third district of Elim Church. At the beginning, we had only 6 members and now we are more than double.

We have a younger sub-group for teenagers from 12 to 15 who are secondary school students. The older sub-group composes of 16-26 years old high school students, university students and working youth.

Our group statement is “ Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. “ (1 Timothy 4: 12)

Youth Alpha

From 2007 onwards, we organized Youth Alpha every summer vacation with the objective to reach more young people. Leading them to know Jesus and help them to establish good relationship with Him. We have reached over 30 young people through this ministry so far. May God, who loves these young people, use them to serve more young people who need Him.

Person In Charge : Sandy & Eileen

提摩太小組 – 每逢星期六下午聚會

「不可叫人小看你年輕,總要在言語、行為、信心、愛心、清潔上、都作信徒的榜樣。」 ( 提摩太前書 4 : 12 )




提摩太小組的組訓為:「不可叫人小看你年輕,總要在言語、行為、信心、愛心、清潔上、都作信徒的榜樣。」 ( 提摩太前書 4 : 12 )



負責人 : Sandy 和 Eileen

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