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Saturday December 21st 2024

Elim Appreciation Day ( 2 ) – The Heroes以琳激賞日 感受篇 ( 2 ) – 誰是真英雄

In fact, the heroes who received the most ” Thank you cards ” are Lily and Steven.   The number of Thank you cards they received far exceeded any other winners !   This shows that the brothers and sisters in Elim had never taken their hard work for granted !

Lily :

It is so heart-warming to receive each of these Thank-you card. I deeply feel that I am very blessed.  I am very thankful for each one of our brothers and sister!  Thank you very much!

Editor’s notes  :  It is very clear that Lily prefers “ doing “ to “ talking “ !

Steven :

It is very hard to distinguish “ a job “ and “ a ministry “.  One must do his best in his “ job “, because he is paid to do so!  As time goes by, the proportion of “ job” is much bigger than “ ministry “ . I think , “ since this is a part of my job, there is nothing worthy for other people’s appreciation, and it is just natural that I have to do the best. “

No matter whether this is a job or a ministry, everybody needs recognition and encouragement.  That is why I like Elim Appreciation Day.  Through this special event, every one of us ( including myself ) can learn and practice appreciation and say thanks. Finally, thank you Cora for choosing the Ukulele clip for me.  I really like it a lot !  Thank you very much !

Editor’s notes : Steven, now you’ve got both the appreciation and the $$ !!  Win-win !!

其 實,以 琳 激 賞 日 中收到最多 “多謝咭” 的是萬千寵愛的 Lily 和萬人景仰的 Steven ! 他們所收到的”多謝咭”,遠遠超過其他得獎者!可見以琳的弟兄姊妹,都很有良心啊!

Lily :

收到每一張的多謝咭,裡面每一份的心意禮物,怎不叫人窩心呢? 此外,亦使我更深地體會到我確是生在福中。為到身邊的每一位弟兄姊妹而感恩。多謝哂!!

編者按 : 好明顯,,Lily 是屬於 “ 少說話,多做事 “ 的那一類人!

Steven :



編者按 : Steven ,現在讚賞又收到,又有糧出,兩全其美啦!

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  • Elim Appreciation Day ( 2 ) – The Heroes以琳激賞日 感受篇 ( 2 ) – 誰是真英雄&summary=In fact, the heroes who received the most ” Thank you cards ” are Lily and Steven.   The number of Thank you cards they received far exceeded any other winners !   This shows that the brothers and sisters in Elim had never taken their hard work for granted ! Lily : It is so heart-warming to &source=Elim Full Gospel Church" class="linkedin" title="Share this on Linkedin">LinkedIn
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