Posts Tagged ‘shatin church’
Couples Meeting伉儷聚會
17-2-2013 1:45-2:30pm Prayer Room Enquiry & Application : Alison Couples who need childcare service must apply on or before 11-2-2013 [Read More]
The coming baptism will be held on 31st March 2013 Easter Sunday. Interested parties please contact Pastor Leung. [Read More]
Summer Camp夏令會
Summer Camp will be on 18-20th July 2013. Please start to plan your holidays and join us !! [Read More]
2013 Sermon2013 講道集
50. The Loving, Compassionate Father Speaker:Sister Diane Sarchet-Waller Date:2013.12.15 49. Reap with Rejoicing Speaker:Pastor Rebekah Date:2013.12.08 48. Hold Fast Your Integrity Speaker:Pastor Rebekah Date:2013.12.01 47. Getting There Speaker:Pastor Paul [Read More]